A Brief History of Busoga Part 2: The Weight of a Crown.

The modern history of Busoga could almost be summed up by the rivalry between the Bulamogi and Bugabula districts. The first Kyabazinga, Ezekiel Tenywa Wako III, was the Zibondo of Bulamogi, and found favour with the British by knowing the way they governed. While Nadiope, Gabula of Bugabula since childhood, made his name going against them.

A Brief History of Busoga Part 1: From the Beginning to the End to the Beginning.

The Busoga Kingdom is in the central-east section of Uganda, with its capital Bugembe sitting next to Jinja, Uganda's second-largest city. It is bordered by Lake Kyoga and Lake Victoria to the North and South respectively, and Victoria Nile and the Mpologoma River to the East and West. It's said these water borders were why the British explorer John Hanning Speke- who dipped into the territory to find the source of the Nile- referred to the land of 'Usoga' as an island.